“When I thought I’d reached the point of forgiveness, something would happen to propel me back onto the path of anger, guilt and frustration. How would I ever become emotionally free? What exactly does the forgiveness journey look like? Somewhere in the midst of all of those unanswered questions I was reminded to breathe and truly own the space I was in. It was my journey. I could no longer be overwhelmed by it. I gave myself permission to LIVE it. The forgiveness journey was where I would elevate into the beauty of who I was designed to be.”

Author Tiffany Hill’s book, Authentic Me: The Forgiveness Journey, is the second in the series of Authentic Me books with a focus on overcoming the trauma of domestic abuse. The Forgiveness Journey is scheduled for publication November 2016. Sign up for the TH Authentic newsletter to receive email updates. Also, join the online community @th_authentic

Author Tiffany Hill’s first book, Authentic Me: A Story of Strength, Perseverance and Faith, was published November 2015 and details a tumultuous marriage rippled with abuse, infidelity and psychological manipulation. This book is currently available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com. BONUS: Read earlier blog posts for book excerpts!