Tiffany’s second publication, Authentic Me: The Forgiveness Journey, is a workbook designed to use journaling as a tool to process life experiences and move towards healing. Preview this workbook for a limited time by clicking the link below!

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“Authentic Me: The Forgiveness Journey”



Tiffany Hill - Author

Tiffany Hill

“To Live Authentically is the Ultimate Form of Happiness.”

[email protected]

(318) 512-5189

Authentic Me is a story of strength, perseverance and faith. The author reveals details of a tumultuous marriage rippled with domestic abuse, infidelity and psychological manipulation. These painful, private truths are masked by the appearance of a perfect public lifestyle which causes her to harbor guilt and internalize pain. At her breaking point, she must decide to uncover the mask and rediscover her authentic self. As she begins down the path of purposeful healing, she realizes that the most difficult yet necessary part of her journey would be the ability to forgive.

“I’ve heard that thousands of women suffer in silence daily from physical and/or emotional abuse. I pray that Tiffany Hill’s book, Authentic Me, will give other women the courage they need to step out of the darkness and start living the life of freedom that they all deserve.”

Lorna L.A. Lewis, Author

Baton Rogue, LA

Authentic Me is a riveting story of personal growth in the face of challenges. The main character exemplifies strength and a willingness to push through her pain and heal. This book is a must read!”

Marquette Young, J.D.

Houston, TX

Authentic Me inspires through raw honesty. It challenges the reader to know who you are and love who you are. It will truly empower anyone on a path to finding their authentic selves.”

Stephanie Findley

Bernice, LA

Authentic Me represents the many voices of women who have not yet found courage to move beyond the present and tell their story. It’s a book that compels conversation.”

Necole Turner, Author

Atlanta, GA