by Tiffany | Authentic Me, Domestic Abuse, Women Empowerment
In connection with increased awareness initiatives, many survivors are asked to share their story as a mechanism of inspiring others. I am encouraged by the number of people who courageously recount their stories publicly. I also remain concerned for those who have...
by Tiffany | Authentic Conversations, Authentic Me, Podcast, Women Empowerment
Happy Monday! When I scrolled across this meme [So far you’ve survived 100% of your worst days. You’re doing great], I went back and read it again several times. Wow, I thought, what a great way to put life into perspective. It was such an important...
by Tiffany | Authentic Me, Domestic Abuse, Women Empowerment
Authentic Me: A Story of Strength, Perseverance and Faith My first book, Authentic Me: A Story of Strength, Perseverance and Faith, was published in November 2015. The book is available for purchase on and Barnes & Noble. The book is authentic. The pain...
by Tiffany | Authentic Me, Domestic Abuse, HBCU, Women Empowerment
Congratulations! You’ve received your college acceptance letter and are preparing to embark upon a pivotal moment in your life. You’ve likely researched the variety of program offerings at your college of choice and have a list of the top five fun places nearby! You...
by Tiffany | Women Empowerment
It’s January of 2014! A new year, new goals! I hope all ladies have taken a step beyond the customary “New Years Resolutions” and have actually started the task of re-evaluating your personal assessment plans- meaning that you have identified and are able to...