My children were ages 2, 4 and 8 when I lost custody to my ex husband. I was devastated and the emptiness I felt was unimaginable. To add insult to injury, I was being stalked by a campus police officer. Also, I was under tremendous scrutiny for accusing Langston University and the Oklahoma Board of Regents of improperly handling the situation of abuse, thus protecting the abuser in his role as President. The re-victimization I was experiencing for being vocal about domestic abuse was real and I found myself at a breaking point.

As I became an advocate for survivors I began to hear more stories that were frightening due to the similarities they had to my own: Abusers using control and intimidation to influence court processes; Court officials not understanding the elements of domestic abuse; College campuses needing a focus on domestic violence and sexual assault; and a survivor who was left to pick up the pieces, often with little support, and regain his/her self-identity.

I am a vocal advocate because this pattern has to stop. It’s up to all of us to call out instances of abuse and hold the abuser accountable. We can not afford to ignore this issue.

As an attorney, I seek ways to ensure that court officials involved in family law matters where domestic abuse is present are trained and knowledgeable as to the elements of domestic abuse. As an author and filmmaker, I provide a platform for survivors to feel supported in sharing their stories. I also advocate for intentional conversation about domestic abuse on college campuses.

I would love to hear your voices! Contact me at [email protected] πŸ’œ
