Happy Monday! Be your best YOU as you start off the week!

It’s April in Oklahoma…and it’s snowing! The weirdest weather ever. I’m trying to prepare myself for tornado season; I’ve experienced my first earthquake and now unusually cold weather. What in the world is going on? Then I’m reminded- it’s all about perspective.

I can easily choose to say that today is a horrible day and complain about all of the things that are going wrong; but that would be too easy! Complaining takes little effort and doesn’t charge me with the accountability I’ve accepted for myself.

Start off this Monday by setting the tone for your week. You choose how you will respond to negativity. It’s your choice of whether you will be stressed or whether it will be a stress-less week. Rather than procrastinate, complete those tasks early. Make sure that you’re getting sufficient rest and being mindful of the things you feed into your being. (read that again— it goes deeper than just food!) Check your environment and those who you surround yourself with. Beware of those who are quick to give advice yet operate in contradiction to their guidance. Be friendly in your interactions with the people you come in contact with. Commit to doing a random act of kindness this week. “To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy.”

And finally, be yourself! Trust that I had to learn this the hard way. Don’t spend time trying to please people who will never really be satisfied with what you do and who you are anyway. Just recently, I received a text message from a beautiful young lady whom I respect and admire. She said, “I appreciate your honesty and being free enough to be transparent about where you were in the world that day. I appreciate you for being the free, unapologetic you…even if it goes against how everyone thinks you should exist.” When you’re transparent, people notice. And when you’re simply trying to convince people that you’re perfect— people notice that too! Focus on being your true, authentic self.

Wishing you a wonderful day… Let it snow, because you are equipped to weather any storm. It’s all about perspective! xoxo